Book Bingo Challenge

28 Oct - 08 Nov

Take part in our Book Bingo Challenge to try and win an extra break time for your class!!

How to play:

  1. Ask your family & friends to sponsor your Book Bingo activities.
  2. Fill in the “MY DETAILS” section on the form
  3. Pick an activity square, then do it!
  4. Cross off the activity once it is done.
  5. Complete as many activities as you can.
  6. Ask your grown up to fill in the grey box below and pay.
  7. Put this form in the FOWS post-box by Friday 8th November.

WIN EXTRA BREAK TIME FOR YOUR CLASS!! If you are in the class that completes the most activities or the class that raises the most money, you will all win an extra break time!!

To donate your sponsor money, please put correct money in a named, sealed envelope along with your bingo form. Alternatively, to pay online please click here.


[Original size] Book Bingo by Naomi Wilson